Through this privacy notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties of the United Mexican States (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), Sistemas Interactivos de Consultoría, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter referred to as "Sintec") makes available to its current, past, and potential clients and service providers, both direct and indirect, as well as attendees of events organized by Sintec, and/or visitors to Sintec's facilities or its website (hereinafter, individually referred to as the "Data Subject"), this personal data protection policy. Sintec, located at Avenida Ricardo Margáin 565, Torre PCC2-A, 6th floor, Colonia Santa Engracia, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, C.P. 66267, will be responsible for the processing of personal data received from the Data Subject. In accordance with Section V of Article 3 of the Law, any information concerning an identified or identifiable individual is considered personal data. For the purposes of this Notice, personal data shall include any information regarding the Data Subject that Sintec receives through any printed, digital, audio, visual, remote or local electronic and/or optical communication means, or through any other technology, and that pertains to such individual (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data"). The Personal Data of our service providers, current, past, and potential, that will be subject to processing under this Notice, are as follows: General data of the Data Subject; i.e., gender, full name, address, telephone number, email address, marital status, profession, place and date of birth, nationality, personal contact telephone number, address, name of spouse and children, emergency contact telephone number and relationship to the Data Subject, Federal Taxpayer Registry Number (RFC), Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), voter ID number, passport number; Curriculum vitae of the Data Subject; which, in addition to the general data mentioned above, may include information related to education, professional experience, and recognitions; and Data related to the Data Subject's areas of expertise and economic interests for a specific position at Sintec. The Personal Data of our clients, current, past, and potential, both direct and indirect, that will be subject to processing under this Notice, are as follows: General data of the Data Subject; i.e., gender, full name, address, telephone number, email address, profession, place and date of birth, nationality, personal contact telephone number, address, Federal Taxpayer Registry Number (RFC), and income; and Positions, responsibilities, or appointments held by the Data Subject within the organizational structure of the client. The Personal Data of individuals who provide their data through our website or electronic means, which will be subject to processing under this Notice, are as follows: General data of the Data Subject; i.e., full name, telephone number, email address, country, marital status, profession; and Curriculum vitae of the Data Subject; which, in addition to the general data mentioned above, will include education, professional experience, and positions held. The Personal Data of attendees to events organized by Sintec, which will be subject to processing under this Notice, are as follows: Gender, full name, telephone number, email address, profession, personal contact telephone number, workplace, position held in one or more companies, and professional opinions. Additionally, individuals visiting Sintec's facilities will be video recorded, and the processing of their image, as well as the rest of their Personal Data, will be subject to the provisions of this Notice. Sintec does not collect sensitive personal data from the Data Subject. However, if such data is collected, the express and written consent of the Data Subject will be obtained for its processing. Sintec uses cookies and does not use web beacons on its website; these cookies do not individually identify visitors to Sintec's website. Personal Data will be used by Sintec for specific purposes (the "Purposes"). In the case of Personal Data of our service providers, Sintec will process it for the following Purposes: 1. Establish communication between the Data Subject and Sintec regarding the provision of services offered by the Data Subject to Sintec, as well as to prepare service proposals and, in the event that the Data Subject provides a service to Sintec, for projects that may arise; 2. Generate projects and/or final versions of communications and legal documents such as contracts and agreements, including the possibility that such Personal Data, as well as the referred legal documents, be sent to one or more notaries, third parties, authorities, and/or legal firms; 3. Prepare invoices, remittances, or any other accounting or tax information that Sintec is legally obligated to comply with; 4. Analyze the data to identify potential opportunities for the Data Subject to provide professional services to Sintec, using such data in the recruitment process and, if applicable, in the selection of their service; and 5. Locate the Data Subject in the event of an extraordinary situation, whether professional, such as an invitation to an event, or personal, such as an emergency. 6. Send emails to individuals who collaborate, are employees, directors, partners, or interns at Sintec to recognize personal achievements, holidays, career milestones, promotions, start of employment, end of employment, granted leaves, and vacations. In the case of Personal Data of our clients, Sintec will process it for the following Purposes: 1. Establish communication between the Data Subject and Sintec regarding the provision of Sintec's services, as well as to prepare service proposals for specific projects; 2. Generate projects and/or final versions of communications and legal documents such as contracts and agreements, including the possibility that such Personal Data, as well as the referred legal documents, be shared with one or more notaries, authorities, and/or legal firms; and 3. Prepare invoices, remittances, or any other accounting or tax information that Sintec is legally obligated to comply with. In the case of Personal Data of individuals who provide their data through our website or electronic means, Sintec will process it for the following Purposes: 1. Establish communication between the Data Subject and Sintec in the event that the Data Subject sends a request for clarification regarding Sintec's services; and 2. Analyze the data to identify potential opportunities for the Data Subject to provide professional services to Sintec, using such data in the recruitment process and, if applicable, in the selection of their service. In the case of Personal Data of attendees to events organized by Sintec, for the following Purposes: 1. Establish communication between the Data Subject and Sintec to inform about Sintec's services and to gather the Data Subject's professional opinion on various matters. In the case of video surveillance in Sintec's facilities, it will be conducted for the purpose of providing security to the Data Subject and Sintec's personnel. 1. The submission of Personal Data to Sintec by the Data Subject using any of the means mentioned above in this Notice implies acceptance and authorization of the manner in which Sintec processes such Personal Data, which will be used for the Purposes established above, as necessary or convenient in the provision of services performed by Sintec from time to time, in relation to the Data Subject, as well as in relation to the matter of reference that gave rise to the existing communication between Sintec and the Data Subject, and vice versa. The Purposes outlined in this Notice are necessary for the existence and maintenance of a legal relationship between Sintec and the Data Subject of the Personal Data, so the Data Subject's refusal to the processing of their Personal Data in accordance with the aforementioned Purposes would make it impossible to establish a legal relationship between the Data Subject and Sintec. In the event that the Data Subject does not agree to their Personal Data being used in accordance with any of the Purposes established in the preceding paragraphs, including the possibility of transferring Personal Data to the third parties mentioned, the Data Subject must contact Sintec to express their position by email at, submitting a request as set forth later in this Notice and specifying which Purposes they refuse to allow their Personal Data to be used for by Sintec, thereby subjecting themselves to the consequences generated by such refusal to the processing of their Personal Data as set forth in the immediately preceding paragraph. Sintec's obligations are as follows: 1. Limit the processing of Personal Data to the purposes outlined in this Notice; 2. Maintain strict confidentiality regarding Personal Data and not transfer it to any person outside Sintec, except in cases authorized by the Law or by the Data Subject; 3. Establish and maintain the administrative, technical, and physical security measures necessary to protect Personal Data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or unauthorized use, access, or processing; 4. Inform third parties to whom Personal Data is transferred, in applicable cases, of this Notice and the Purposes to which the Data Subject has subjected the processing of Personal Data; and 5. Immediately inform of any security breach that occurs during the processing of Personal Data so that those who have provided it to Sintec can take the corresponding measures to defend their rights. The Data Subject of Personal Data enjoys the ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition) provided for in Chapter IV of the Law, as well as the right to revoke consent and the right to limit the use or disclosure of Personal Data. To exercise any of these rights, the Data Subject must submit a request to Sintec with the following information: - Their name and address or another means for Sintec to communicate its response; - Documents proving their identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the person making the request on their behalf; - A clear and precise description of the Personal Data regarding which they seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights and its scope; and - Any other element or document that facilitates the location of their Personal Data. If the request is for rectification of Personal Data, in addition to the information indicated in the previous paragraph, the modifications to be made must be specified, and documentation supporting the request must be provided. If the request is for opposition to the processing of Personal Data for a specific Purpose that is not necessary for the existence of a legal relationship between Sintec and the Data Subject, the Data Subject must request Sintec, at the email address mentioned above, to be added to an exclusion list. In the case of a request for revocation of consent, in addition to the requirements already indicated in this Notice, the Data Subject must include in their request a description of the reasons that give rise to the request for revocation of consent, specifying whether they desire a partial or total revocation of the processing of Personal Data. The request, submitted in the terms described above, will be addressed by Sintec and must be sent by email to, or in writing to Sintec's address indicated in the second paragraph of this Notice. Sintec will have a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date it receives the request, to communicate the decision made, so that, if appropriate, it is implemented within the fifteen days following the date on which the response is communicated. The terms of this Notice may change at any time, so Sintec reserves the right to modify it when it deems necessary. Modifications to this Notice will be published on Sintec's website,, so it is the responsibility of the Data Subject to stay informed about any changes. Any complaint by a Data Subject regarding Sintec's non-compliance with the Law may be filed by submitting the corresponding complaint to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information, and Protection of Personal Data; for more information, visit