It is a key part of the execution of a commercial strategy, which is why it must be aligned with the strategic plan of each segment or channel in which the company participates. Sometimes, this process looses connection with the strategy and in doing so misses out on power, leaving money on the line. Sintec, through a deep analysis of the performance of each channel and segment and the variables that affect the definition of pricing aligned to the client's needs, generates strategies that maximize the financial results of our clients through solutions that combine deep market knowledge with statistical analysis of pricing behavior.
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It is a key part of the execution of a commercial strategy, which is why it must be aligned with the strategic plan of each segment or channel in which the company participates. Sometimes, this process looses connection with the strategy and in doing so misses out on power, leaving money on the line. Sintec, through a deep analysis of the performance of each channel and segment and the variables that affect the definition of pricing aligned to the client's needs, generates strategies that maximize the financial results of our clients through solutions that combine deep market knowledge with statistical analysis of pricing behavior.
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Entendimiento claro del panorama que determina el cambio / ajuste en precios.
Aumento entre un 2.5% y un 5% en Utilidad Operativa para venta de canales detectados con posibilidad de optimización.
Alineamiento con la intención estrategia de cada canal.