
Interview about the importance of the organization within the company


March 19, 2013

Interview about the importance of the organization within the company


Jesús García talks about the importance of having a good organization within the company to create a balance between growth and profitability. He mentions four principal themes that have to be taken into account within the organization and the possible consequences for not considering the organization as part of the business strategy.

[FMP width=”530″ height=”298″]https://sintec.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/Entrevista Jesus Garcia.mp4[/FMP]


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Sintec Consulting

Sintec es la firma de consultoría líder en generar crecimiento rentable y desarrollar ventajas competitivas a través del diseño y ejecución de Estrategias integrales e innovadoras de Clientes & Operaciones.